The PennTESOL Opportunities page is where you can find job postings, professional development events, calls for proposals, grants, research, and other news relevant to the field of English language teaching in and around Eastern Pennsylvania.

  • Saturday, April 25, 2020 12:25 PM | Anonymous

    ESOL Program Specialist, K-12

    Grades: 9-12
    Principal: Brian Johnson

  • Saturday, April 25, 2020 12:09 PM | Anonymous

    Woodrow Wilson Middle school in the School District of Philadelphia has two ESOL teaching positions open for the next school year (Fall 2020).

    Contact the school principal Shawn McGuigan, .

  • Saturday, August 17, 2019 7:23 AM | PTE (Administrator)

    Teaching opportunities at ABA Language Institute

    Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced or TOEFL Preparation

    Monday and Wednesday 9:20 am - 12:30 pm or

    Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 - 9:00 pm

    Fall Semester begins September 9, 2019

    Curriculum and books are in place

    Applicants for ESL Instructor must have the following credentials:

    1. An up-to-date resume or CV.

    2. A bachelor’s degree in any subject plus 1 year’s ESL teaching experience.

    OR A bachelor’s degree in any subject plus a professionally recognized ESL teaching certificate.


    2. A master’s degree in ESL teaching that included a practice-teaching component or a master's

    degree in any subject plus 3 years of experience teaching ESL to adults.


    3. Near native proficiency in American English

    ABA Language Institute is located at a safe location at 1001 W. Cheltenham Avenue, Melrose Park, Pa (near Old York Rd.) It is easy to reach by car, bus or train and has onsite parking.

    If interested, please submit a resume/CV and cover letter to

    Mission Statement:

    ABA Language Institute's ESL programs serve non-native speakers of English who

    are authorized to study in the U.S. and who need to improve their English proficiency to succeed in the academic, social, and cultural challenges of life in the United States.

  • Tuesday, April 30, 2019 9:22 AM | PTE (Administrator)

    Upper Darby Community Outreach Corporation is looking for teachers for two evening classes for the Summer 2019 session. The session dates are May 20-July 24. Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. These will be low and high beginning levels for adults who need to improve their language skills for everyday communication and employment. Students are from many countries of the world. At least two years of experience teaching adult ESL (or high school ESOL) is required. ESL/EFL certification and/or a Masters degree in TESOL, or a related field, is preferred.

    Classes are 4 hours per week for ten weeks. The pay is $25/hour.

    For more information, or to apply, contact Melinda Swanson at 610-608-2217.

  • Friday, April 05, 2019 3:22 PM | PTE (Administrator)

    The Department of Applied Linguistics at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for a full-time Assistant Teaching Professor position in the ESL/EAP Program to begin in Fall 2019. The successful candidate will primarily teach undergraduate composition courses for matriculated international students; teaching responsibilities may include other courses in the department as well. The successful candidate will also be expected to engage in service to the department and ESL/EAP Programs in areas such as curricular innovation and development; new course design and delivery; mentorship of practicum students; and coordination of professional development events for students and colleagues. A Master’s degree in TESL/TESOL is required. Priority will be given to candidates who have experience in teaching composition to international or multilingual writing students, and in designing and/or leading professional development activities for ESL or composition teachers. This is a 36-week (two academic semesters, Fall and Spring), non-tenure track appointment with the possibility of reappointment. Full-time Assistant Teaching Professors teach three courses per semester. To be considered for this position, applications must be submitted electronically at Include a formal letter of application detailing relevant qualifications for this job, a current curriculum vitae with three references listed, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Applications received by April 22, 2019 will be assured of consideration; however, all applications will be considered until the position is filled. Please visit either or for a more detailed description of the department and the ESL/EAP Programs.


    To review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and other safety and security matters and policies, please go to, which will also explain how to request a paper copy of the Annual Security Report.


    Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.

  • Sunday, March 03, 2019 7:45 PM | PTE (Administrator)

    Saint Joseph’s University’s Department of Modern and Classical Languages is seeking an ESL instructor to teach a semester-long academic English class for matriculated international students, beginning Fall 2019 with the option of continuation into Spring 2020 and beyond.  Must have a Master’s degree.  (Note: this course is for already matriculated international students who will be taking other non-ESL university courses in a number of different academic disciplines concurrently.)

    The main goal of the course is to prepare students to succeed in an English-medium academic environment.  While part of the course content should focus on academic writing, it should also develop students’ academic skills holistically and may include such topics as reading strategies, note-taking, presentations and public speaking.  The instructor is welcome to collaborate with ESL faculty in the Department and utilize portions of pre-existing curricula as desired, and/or implement their own curricula, pending approval by the Department.  Ideal candidates will have earned at least a Master’s degree in TESOL or a related field and have experience teaching academic ESL to young adults in a university or pre-university context.

    Interested applicants should apply online by clicking on the link below.  You will need to create an account on the SJU Human Resources job application site:  On the search job site, select Adjunct, Modern and Classical Languages.

    Please email Dr. Thomas Buckley buckley@sju.edushould you have any questions prior to applying for the position.

  • Monday, February 04, 2019 12:35 PM | PTE (Administrator)

    Mission Statement:

    ABA Language Institute's ESL programs serve non-native speakers of English who

    are authorized to study in the U.S. and who need to improve their English proficiency to succeed in the academic, social, and cultural challenges of life in the

    United States.

    Teaching opportunities at ABA Language Institute

    ABA Language Institute has two opportunities for instructors:

    1. A class in transitional English for ESL students going to college begins in February and finishes at the end of April. It meets two nights per week from 6:00 - 10:30 PM. Instruction includes Advanced Listening and Critical thinking, Rhetorical Patterns in Writing and Intro to Research. The curriculum has been created and books chosen.

    2. English for the Community: Integrated Skills classes two nights per week from 6:30 - 9:30PM.

    Curriculum and books are in place. Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Applicants for ESL Instructor must have the following credentials:

    1. An up-to-date resume or CV.

    2. A bachelor’s degree in any subject plus 1 year’s ESL teaching experience.

    OR A bachelor’s degree in any subject plus a professionally recognized ESL teaching certificate.


    2. A master’s degree in ESL teaching that included a practice-teaching component or a master's

    degree in any subject plus 3 years of experience teaching ESL to adults.


    3. Near native proficiency in American English

    ABA Language Institute is located at a safe location at 1001 W. Cheltenham Avenue, Melrose Park, Pa

    (near Old York Rd.) It is easy to reach by car, bus or train.

    If interested, please submit a resume/CV and cover letter to

  • Wednesday, January 23, 2019 7:18 AM | PTE (Administrator)

    Upper Darby Community Outreach Corporation (UDCOC) is looking for an instructor for a community-based adult ESL class. Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The next session starts in early March. Classes are 10 weeks long. This is a long-term opportunity. The pay is $25 per hour. At least 2 years of experience teaching ESL to adults and a certificate in TESOL are required. A Masters degree in TESOL or a related field is preferred. If interested, please send resume to Melinda Swanson:; 610-608-2217.

  • Wednesday, January 23, 2019 7:14 AM | PTE (Administrator)

    Global LT ( provides private language training for corporate expatriates around the world. We are currently looking for a private ESL teacher for two of our clients in Newark, DE. These clients are a husband and wife who would like separate lessons at their home in Newark. Their schedules are flexible, but the wife is generally available in the mornings and early afternoons, and the husband is generally available in the evenings.


    Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree and at least 2 years of experience teaching or tutoring ESL. Global LT's teachers are independent contractors who create their own lessons and select any materials to be used. The greater Wilmington region (including Chester and Delaware Counties, PA) is a high-volume area for us, and teachers will be considered for other assignments as well.


    For more information on this position, please contact Mary Tablac, Sourcing Specialist, at Thank you.

  • Monday, December 31, 2018 3:09 PM | PTE (Administrator)

    The American Language Center has a part-time (evening) ESL instructor opening for the Spring Semester. 

    Interested candidates can email their resume to

PennTESOL East is a professional, non-profit association dedicated to the improvement and advancement of English language teaching in eastern Pennsylvania.

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